Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The "Now" Principle and Finding a Career

We all have the choice to take care of something today, or to put it off until later.  We have the choice to do the harder things now in order to have an easier tomorrow.  I call this The "Now" Principle.  It is applicable in every area of life. It includes: 
  • visualizing your future, 
  • seeing a vision of what you are seeking, 
  • planning the path to get there, 
  • then taking action now.
It can be applied short- or long-term.  It can be applied in personal, family, career, religious, or secular areas of life.  It is a principle of action, but also a principle of personal change.  As we do things now, we will be now what we want to become in the future.  For example, if I want to be a "go-getter" I can start acting now on getting things going.  It will eventually become a habit, and suddenly I will be a "go-getter."  But this goal will never be realized if I see it as something I want to become, but never start the process of becoming.  The "Now" Principle helps us get on the road of becoming.

The "Now" Principle requires the principle of patience.  It doesn't say anything about getting the results now; only the actions are now.  Some of the best applications of The "Now" Principle have results that come years later.  However, when we act now there are a few immediate consequences.  These often include:
  • confidence, especially in that you won't have regrets
  • a feeling of self-respect
  • new found skills
  • a new, and better, perspective on life and situations.
I've met several individuals who have told me they just can't decide what to do for a career.  They are in college, searching for a major they really connect with.  They desperately want to make the right choice.  They switch majors when a class doesn't go well, deciding at times they just don't like that major.  They will look for other good sounding majors before the next semester as to not waste more time and money.  All this often will bring with it a good load of stress and anxiety.  So, what is to be done?

The "Now" Principle helps us in this regard.  If we act now, our tomorrow will be much easier.  In this situation, we can act now like we are what we think we want to become. Let's walk through it to see how it applies.

First, visualize the future.  Where are you going to be? What will be included in your life then? How far into the future are you visualizing? 2 months? 10 years?

Second, see a vision of what you are seeking.  What is our current idea of what we want to do for a career?  If it's being a doctor, then what are you doing as a doctor?  Picture the everyday stuff.  If this isn't possible for you to do, then research is necessary.  Visit a doctor, talk to one about his experiences, his day to day routine.  Look up experiences from doctors online, via blogs or medical associations' websites.  After this researching, are we still interested? If not, move on to another idea, such as statistician.

Third, plan the path to get there.  What needs to be done to become a doctor? What steps are in between?  Do not just focus on what a doctor does, but what a doctor is.  What kind of person will you be as a doctor? Will you be someone that wants to help individuals? Or someone that loves diagnosing and solving problems?  This step takes further research if you don't already know the path the law requires to become a doctor along with finding out the character traits and behavior of the type of doctor you want to become.

Fourth, act now.  If you want to be a doctor, start volunteering where doctors are.  Be around doctors.  Start to think like a doctor as much as you currently can so that you can begin to see the world like a doctor does. Become a doctor internally now, then be patient as the rest needs to unfold (such as medical school, residency, certification, etc.)  

This principle says if we act now like what we want to become, we will become it. We may adjust our vision as we grow and change, and as our circumstances change, but by applying The "Now" Principle we will be better able adjust to the change.  We will be able to handle the stress of change better, as we can quickly find the path we seek.  Direction amid chaos.

See the vision.  Find the path.  Then act now.

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